Welcome to the Gospel Foundation International International Healing Ministries online Community. Use our community forum as a discussion board to request prayer, share your praise stories and testimonials and let us know how effective we are being and how we can serve you better. Here are some tips for how to get started.
Prayer Requests
If you need prayer for any reason, for healing, financial increase, peace of mind, to draw closer to God or any other needs you may have, please click on the page link, Send A Prayer Request and one of our Pastors will pray for you.
Click on the link Share Your Testimony to share your deliverance and over-comers story. let us know how our support helped you. Share your praise reports with us we want to hear from you.
Anything else
Click on the page link Create New Post and start a discussion or leave us a question and we will get back to you.
If you get results or you want to support our work for the Kingdom, please support us by making a donation of any amount -- Click Here to Donate. We are a register 501 (c) (3) charitable organization. Your support will be highly valued.
Enjoy being a part of our community!
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